Legal Video Production

Legal Advantage Video is a full-service, professional-level video production company dedicated to assisting the legal community. Our videographers are Notary certified and/or a Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) under the sponsorship of the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA).
Our mission is to meet your every need in litigation videography and trial presentation and exceed your expectation. Whether your case is large or small, we strive to provide every service necessary to make your proceedings go as smoothly as possible. With professional support you can rely on, you can devote your time and energy on what really matters-your client's case.

Our Complete Range of Legal Video Production Services includes:

  • Video Depositions
  • Day-In-The-Life Videos
  • Video Syncing to Transcript
  • Video Inspections
  • Settlement Videos
  • Post Production Services

Video Depositions

We use high-end, broadcast quality cameras and audio equipment to ensure the best image quality and audio clarity possible. Our videographers are highly trained and come from a variety of backgrounds from broadcast and motion pictures to corporate and wedding videography. Our team members are all Notary Publics (in accordance with California Civil Code 2025) and have been specifically trained by CLVS Certified professionals.

Video Inspections

This service is used in a multitude of cases from Construction and Engineering, Safety, Property Damage as well as other uses such Accident Recreation and Document Preservation. We work directly with all individuals involved to ensure all production needs are met from wireless audio packages to lighting requirements. Video Inspections are an invaluable tool in the courtroom or settlement negotiations.

Day-In-The-Life Videos

Day-in-the-Life videos are useful in demonstrating how the quality of life, lifestyle and daily routines of an individual have been affected by injury. It's a fact, showing a judge or jury is more effective than telling. Nowhere is that more true than in a Day-in-the-life video. Our videographers are well-trained, highly sensitive, adaptive and unobtrusive while taping these videos so you can expect the highest level of respect and professionalism.

Settlement Videos

Settlement Videos are broadcast quality point-of-view documentaries aimed at eliciting an emotional response from the viewer. The videos tell the client's story through the use of family and medical interviews, photos and exhibits, graphics and animation technology as well as professional voice over. They are intended for opposing counsel prior to mediation for the purpose of settlement and not intended for the courtroom.

Video Syncing to Transcript

See, hear and read the text of the deposition line by line.

Post Production Services

Our post-production services include Editing, Duplication and Conversion services, DVD Authoring, Trial Presentation and Video Text Syncing to all the major trial presentation software suites.
Our service area includes San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Sacramento, Napa Valley, Santa Cruz, Walnut Creek, and Morgan Hill.